03 June 2007

Immigration Reform I

This is the first part in a look at the subject.

We are in trouble on the subject of Immigration Reform. The Dems seek amnesty and the Reps seek to not offend the Mexicans. Even our President seems to be caving to the Mexicans.

But, first, a bit of a US/Mexico History lesson.

On 2 February 1848, the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was signed by Mexican officials and by Nicholas Trist (a Representative of President Polk). In this treaty, the Mexico government ceded 55% of it’s territory to the US, as well as establishing the borders of Texas (Article V), protection for the property and civil rights of Mexican nationals living within the new border (Articles VIII and IX), U.S. promise to police its side of the border (Article XI), and compulsory arbitration of future disputes between the two countries (Article XXI). From this point in history until today, there has been a campaign by subsequent Mexico Presidents to retake the territory lost in the treaty.

This campaign is known as the “reconquista” of the Southwestern United States. A movement pushed by the “brown berets” of the Aztlan Movement. This group has an eerily similar philosophy to the enemy we face in Iraq. In this, they compare the United States government to Satan.

I fear that we as a nation are in deep trouble. I urge all Americans, despite your individual leanings, to contact your Senators and Congressmen and tell them to vote NO on this issue.


Kent said...

as we discussed earlier, we have been invaded by a foreign enemy.

my belief is that something had to have been done back in the 1950's or '60's to stem the tide of illegals flowing into the united states.

cynical? perhaps. but i think it is too late to do anything about illegal immigration. they are here. we cannot deport them. we cannot force them out.

but we can refuse them social services. we can say no to medical care. we can tell them that their children aren't welcome in school.

if we did these things, they would stop coming.

too bad we lack the political courage...

Dave said...

I have a better idea. When all of the troops are taken out of Iraq, we can go to war with Mexico. Have the Mexican-American War II. Take them out, let the rebels take over, then send the illegals back or kill 'em. Either way makes no difference to me.