The Dems may want to look for a new logo to match the policies that they want to implement. I was thinking of the above logo.
The Universal Health Care Reform that is favored by the Dems is one such policy. A great explanation of these ideas is posted on Marginal Revolution.
Socialist ideas like this have been tried before. The Dems would like to model their health care programs on the programs of Europe. However problems exist, such as the problem facing Britain. Patients needing non-emergency care in the UK are waiting 18-weeks for care. In some cases, patients are waiting up to a year.
Around two-thirds of the long waits are in specialties such as orthopedics, ophthalmology, gynecology and ear, nose and throat.
That is exactly the kind of health policy that I want to have. I would love to wait for 18-weeks the next time that I get a kidney stone. Better yet, waiting a whole year for surgery. Oooh, I can't wait for the next surgery to repair a broken femur. May as well set it myself.
1 comment:
Republicans are elephants, Democrats are asses, I mean, donkeys.
I wouldn't change a thing.
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